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Sonntag, 23.02.2025 im Mobilat Heilbronn


+++ 17:00 Open Doors & Landing
+++ 17:20 Kakao Zeremonie 
+++ 18:15 Warm Up 
+++ 18:30 Dj Set von LA.JULIA aus Barcelona
+++ 20:15 Landing Meditations
+++ 20:45 Closing Circle
+++ 21.00 Finish



für deinen geschützten Raum


  • Alkohol- und Drogenfrei

  • Non verbal Space (keine Worte auf der Tanzfläche)

  • Ohne Schuhe

  • respektvolles Miteinander

  • Keine privaten Fotos oder Videos


Ecstatic Dance ist eine freie, expressionistische, individuelle aber auch kollektive Tanzreise für Menschen jeden Alters, zu einem bunten, variationsreichen DJ Set, das Dich einlädt, Deinen eigenen authentischen Tanz zu tanzen und im respektvollen und bewussten Miteinander die Tanzfläche zu teilen …

Tanze, als würde niemand zuschauen!



Mobilat Club Heilbronn
Salzstraße 27
74076 Heilbronn
oberer Floor

Parken kannst du ganz entspannt an der Straße.



Normales Ticket inkl. Kakao sind 25€ INKL. Kakao zzgl. Ticketgebühr.

Falls du knapp bei Kasse ist, melde dich bitte wir finden gemeinsam eine Lösung als Ausgleich.

Ecstatic Dance inkl. Kakao Zeremonie in Heilbronn im Mobilat Club

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SONNTAG, 23. FEBRUAR ~ Charly aka Wüstenfuchs I Freiburg
SAMSTAG, 08. MÄRZ ~ Alex SPACE DEER I Arillas, Korfu/Griechenland
SONNTAG, 13. APRIL ~ Michael Doepke I Bremen
SAMSTAG, 10. MAI ~ Florine aka DJ MALEA I Innsbruck
SONNTAG, 08. JUNI ~ DJ Matt Jah 


mit Kakao Zeremonie im Mobilat Club Heilbronn

DJane Wüstenfuchs is a passionate rising artist who brings some fresh energy into the international world of ecstatic dance. Growing up in Southwest Germany, her career as a DJ started in 2020 by playing psychedelic trance and techno in an underground collective in Mannheim. By time, she came back to the initial reason why she started standing behind the decks - to play ecstatic dance. In 2021 she became co-founder of Ecstatic Dance Heidelberg where she enjoyed her first residency until 2024. 


The life of Wüstenfuchs is deeply intertwined with dance in all its forms. For her, dance is not just an activity but a fundamental part of her being - a source of life as essential as breath itself. This devotion has led her on a multifaceted journey through the world of movement, from studying dance therapy and psychology to studying professional contemporary dance.


As both a dance therapist and dancer, Wüstenfuchs brings a profound understanding of the transformative power of dance to her ecstatic dance sets. Her sessions are carefully curated to create a space where participants can explore their personal connection to movement and, through it, get to know different versions of themselves.


Her musical journeys invite dancers to embrace every dimension of their being - celebrating shamelessly, playing freely, being creative and artsy… as well as they invite expressing emotions, crying those tears and shedding off old layers. Through weaving a delicate and raw soundscape, Wüstenfuchs seeks to craft an environment of vulnerability and authenticity. Her presence behind the decks radiates this ethos, offering a space for self-expression, emotional transformation, and the pure joy of movement.

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